Transformar as fachadas cegas (a nascente e poente) do Torre do Burgo do Souto Moura em fachadas multimédia? E em plena Avenida da Boavista com uma centralidade única?
Eu achava um óptimo investimento e um step forward para a dinâmica desta pobre avenida.
Vou propor isto.
Não sei a quem.
Mas vou.
Quando acabar a tese e tiver mais informado do assunto.
quarta-feira, outubro 28, 2009
Se me tivessem avisado tinha seguido os conselhos dos exames psicotécnicos do 9º ano e tinha ido para medicina que dava menos trabalho. dass
Narrated by Dustin Hoffman, VISUAL ACOUSTICS celebrates the life and career of Julius Shulman, the world’s greatest architectural photographer, whose images brought modern architecture to the American mainstream. Shulman, who passed away this year, captured the work of nearly every major modern and progressive architect since the 1930s including Frank Lloyd Wright, Richard Neutra, John Lautner, and Frank Gehry. His images epitomized the singular beauty of Southern California’s modernist movement and brought its iconic structures to the attention of the general public. This unique film is both a testament to the evolution of modern architecture and a joyful portrait of the magnetic, whip-smart gentleman who chronicled it with his unforgettable images.
Official documentation video of the "Stereoscope" installation by Project Blinkenlights in Toronto, Canada in 2008. The group turned the Toronto City Hall into a giant interactive screen.
The cladding of the former Bayer corporate Headquarter in Leverkusen with the mesh systems Mediamesh® and Illumesh® is almost completed. The last of the overall 684, each 7, 20 metres long and four metres wide weave panels have been assembled. The 122 metre high building is going to be completely cladded with the stainless steel mesh with interwoven LED profiles. 18,000 square metres of the stainless steel mesh - that equals the size of approximately two and a half soccer pitches – cover the 29 floors of the building. The 5.6 million LEDS will turn the distinctive building into a landmark of a successful industrial history.
terça-feira, outubro 13, 2009
Começo a ficar fã do acaso e do estar no sítio certo à hora certa.